Cleanroom Equipments

Barrier Isolators:
An isolator is a type of clean air device that creates a complete separation between a product and its production equipment, technical personnel and surrounding work environment The Type of Barrier Isolator is essentially split into four main areas:
Classification Based On The Type Of Operation
- Positive Pressure Isolator
- Negative Pressure Isolator
Classification Based On Material Of Construction
- Rigid Isolator
- Flexible Isolator
Air Showers & Mist Showers
A self-contained air circulation system installed at the entrance and exit of clean room-controlled environment. Air shower protects the clean room environment from unwanted contamination. Mist Shower is designed to provide protection during De-gowning process while exiting the clean room area.

Pass Box
Pass box is one of the cleanroom systems, which is used to transfer materials from one side to other side through controlled environment in order to avoid airborne cross contamination. A pass box is designed in two different types, static and dynamic. It is the user specific requirement which decides the right design configuration.
Laminar Work Flow Station
A Clean Bench (also called a laminar flow bench or laminar flow workstation) is a piece of equipment designed to create a micro-environment that meets industry standards for particulate control.

Dedusting Booth
The De-dusting system is used to remove the loose particles / dust presentn the receiving materials, which will be brought into the warehousing area before they are transferred into the quarantine area.
Sampling & Dispensing Booth
These Booth provides protection from Airborne Constrainments generated during powder handling operations such as sampling, charging and dispensing.

Biological Safety Cabinets
A biosafety cabinet (BSC)—also called a biological safety cabinet or microbiological safety cabinet—is an enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safely working with materials contaminated with (or potentially contaminated with) pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level. Several different types of BSC exist, differentiated by the degree of biocontainment required.